Dear Mothers

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Dear Mothers,

I am writing to you because I want you to hear this. You are amazing! Yes, you with the big dark circles under your eyes. You, who's trying to balance work and being a mother. You, with spit up on your new shirt, dirty dishes in the sink and 2 weeks worth of laundry on your floor. Especially you, the first time mom who may feel lonely and sleep deprived, YOU are amazing. 

You are doing better than you think you are!
It is easy to get down on ourselves, stop it...we are all "winging it". Being a mom is hard work, harder than I ever thought was possible. Whether you breastfeed, bottle feed, co-sleep or not, baby wear or home school, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you are doing what is best for you and your baby, and that is love. 
You're a hero, not a failure. 

You are not alone. Seriously, you're not. I promise as lonely as it may seem sometimes, there's another mother feeling those exact same feelings. You're probably thinking, "actually I am alone" or "I don't have any mom friends". We all feel this way at some point. Be the one to reach out to a stranger. That stranger may become your new best friend. Step out of your comfort zone, start a conversation with another mom at the park. Invite someone over to your house! Did you just think "my house is a mess"? Been there done that. Nobody cares about what your house looks like, every mom wants company. 
We are our hardest critics, and at one point or another we all feel like we are failing. But oh my dear, look at all the great things you are doing. You were up 6 times in the middle of the night, because someone needed to pee, needed a snack or simply needed to cuddle. You made sure your kids had everything they needed before heading to school. You are a pro at making train noises, being a dinosaur and you know every word of every disney movie. You kissed all the owies better and sent every monster away before bedtime. You know exactly what to do to make your child giggle, the loud kind go giggle. At some point during your day, you wanted to call it quits, but you didn't. Instead you listened to the same story over and over again, you raced your kid up the stairs, you fed them dinner and you bounced your baby to bed. 
So yes, you are amazing, no matter how tired you are, you selflessly do this every single day. 

I love and admire you. 
You're a hero, not a failure. 



  1. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your light and encouragement. You are amazing! ♡♡♡

    1. I just love you, and everything you do!! Thank you for your light and your amazing example <3

  2. Beautiful. I can't wait to experience this one day. In Due Time :) You are doing a GREAT job

  3. Yes! I always try to remind myself that I'm doing better than I think. As long as the babies are happy and fed, that's all that matters.

  4. What nice words of encouragement! I am bookmarking this for one of "those days."

  5. I ABSOLUTELY needed to hear this. <3 <3 Thank you, Mama! xo

  6. Thank you for reminding me that I am a hero and not a failure. Such important words to tell ourselves daily! I love this post friend!

  7. Every mama needs to hear these words from time to time. Such a great reminder!

  8. So much encouragement! This is a must read for any mother. I always love your uplifting words! xoxo

    1. Thank you so much love!! I'm basically obsessed with you, so that means a lot <3

  9. This was so lovely to read after a very exhausting week with the kiddos! Your words are so encouraging!

    1. Awww I'm glad I could help a little :) hope you have a better week!!!❤️

  10. So encouraging. You are amazing too!

  11. Thank you for your sweet and kind words! This was so nice to read after a couple of rough weeks. You're a pretty amazing mama

  12. So sweet!! And it's so true, you're not alone! ❤

  13. I love seeing encouraging posts like this with so much negativity circulating the internet now. Thank you so much for sharing this!

  14. I loved reading this, and I know that so many mamas out there feel the same way! It's so helpful to know that we are in this together

  15. I love this Fatima. So beautiful and true

  16. Love this. This is exactly what every mother needs to hear, whether she's a first time mom or a seasoned mom with 5 kiddos! xx

    Emily Lindsey |
